Current road conditions:
- Middlemarch road: Passable by passenger car.
- NFS 687 (Southwest Stronghold): Passable by Subaru.
- NFS 688 (West Stronghold): Passable by Subaru. Nearly 4×4.
- Ironwood road and NFS 84 (East Stronghold): Passable by passenger car.
- NFS 4810 – East Stronghold toward Batline Dome – passable by passenger car for about 500′, then passable by 4×4.
Weather conditions: Keep an eye on the Saint David, Arizona forecast for temperature and wind conditions.
Bug conditions: minimal.
Closures: NONE! The US Forest Service as elected not to renew its annual closure of the Rockfellow Group and Cochise Dome starting in 2019.
Stronghold climbers have a rare opportunity here – if we voluntarily steer clear of nesting sites and do not disturb nesting raptors (which is still illegal), we can demonstrate that future closures are not necessary.
1) Avoid climbing in the vicinity of known raptor nests March 1 to June 30.
2) If you disturb raptors accidentally, immediately descend and report the location of the nest.